
Public call for the procurement of computers and computer equipment No. 11/23

Dear Company Representatives

In accordance with the decision on the launch of tendering procedure, Development – Guarantee Fund of Brčko District BiH is pleased to invite you to participate in the Tender No.: 11-23 for Procurement of equipment.

This tender is launched within the Project “NEWLY ESTABLISHED START-UP ENTERPRISE SERVICES“ – Project acronym – NESESER, Contract No: 48-00-162/2021-28-5, financed through EU IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020.

Please find attached tender dossier and provide your offer no later than 20/05/2024 at 12.00 hours and also should you choose not to submit your offer please provide us with a written response indicating the reasons for your choice not to participate.

9. Invitation letter 09-23

3 PART A Information for tenderer 08-23 – Addendum

4 PART B Tender form & tech & fin offer 08-23

All invited tenderers will have a chance to post questions in regards to this Tender via e-mail ,or