
Public call No. 09/23 – Capacity building of Business Entrepreneurial Centers and Incubators (BECI) staff in Brčko District and Loznica

In accordance with the Decision on launching the tender procedure, the Development and Guarantee Fund of the Brčko District of BiH is pleased to invite you to participate in Tender number: 09-23 for consulting services Capacity building of Business Entrepreneurial Centers and Incubators (BECI) staff in Brčko District and Loznica. This tender was launched within the framework of the Project “NEWLY ESTABLISHED START-UP SERVICES ENTERPRISES” – project acronym – NESESER, Contract No: 48-00-162/2021-28-5, which is financed through the EU IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020.

You can find the tender documentation in the attachments and submit your offer no later than April 16, 2024. until 12:00 at the address specified in the tender documentation.

9. Invitation letter 09-23

5. PART A Information for tenderer

6. PART B Tender form & tech offer

7. PART C Financial offer

All bidders can ask additional questions regarding this procurement via e-mail: or to